Dallas Industrial Accident Lawyer
Were You Injured In An Industrial Accident?
After the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was approved by Congress, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created to guarantee safe working conditions for all workers by creating and enforcing basic standards of safety for employers to follow. If you or someone you loved was injured in an industrial accident, you deserve the chance to file a claim to seek the compensation you need to help you recover and hold the people responsible accountable for their negligence or wrongdoing in order to protect your fellow worked from suffering a similar injury.
Give us a call at (214) 307-6307 to speak with a Dallas industrial accident lawyer today.
At Aldous \ Walker LLP, our Dallas industrial accident layers have spent decades fighting for the rights of our clients in order to secure them the compensation they need following their tragic accident. Over that time, we have successfully tried more than 200 cases in front of a jury, and have recovered more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements for our clients. Our attorneys have the experience and passion you need from your legal team, so contact us today to discuss your case.
What Type of Injury Did You Suffer?
Our attorneys are ready to handle cases involving injuries of all kinds caused by an industrial accident including, but not limited to:
There may be different laws and regulations depending on what type of incident caused your injury, and what type of work you were performing at the time. The more details you can provide, the more we can do to tailor your case to best suit your needs and seek the maximum compensation possible.
Know Your Rights
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 did more than just create OSHA – it elevated both the occupational safety and training program standards and requirements. Almost all industrial accidents can be prevented with proper safety equipment, maintenance, and training. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been able to completely eliminate all hazards present on worksites across the country, and it’s important to hold those in charge responsible for failing to follow through on regulations.
If you notice any hazards treating the health or safety of you or one of your fellow workers, it’s your responsibility to report it to your employer right away. If your employer fails to act on your information and someone is injured as a result, they may be held liable for any injuries caused in the accident. Not only will holding negligent employers responsible help protect your fellow workers from suffering a similar injury, it will also help you secure the compensation you need.
Don’t Wait To Get The Legal Representation You Need
Contact one of the Dallas industrial accident lawyers at Aldous \ Walker LLP today if you were injured in an industrial accident. We will defend your rights with the dedication and passion you deserve in order to secure you the compensation you need. We believe in every one of our clients, and that belief fuels us in our fight to ensure that you receive justice.
Fill out our online form to discuss your case, or give us a call at (214) 307-6307 to speak with one of our industrial accident lawyers today.