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CBS News Texas Features Aldous\Walker’s Sexual Assault Case Against Popular Dallas Nightclub


Charla Aldous was interviewed by CBS News Texas in a report highlighting the firm’s sexual assault case filed on behalf of a teenager against popular Dallas nightclub, Club VIVO.

“What happened to her was so horrible and Club VIVO absolutely set it up so it would happen," Ms. Aldous told CBS News.

The lawsuit alleges the club created the very conditions that led to the plaintiff’s sexual assault in a restroom there, then did nothing to help her after her friend alerted security that the attack was in progress. Despite the victim being underage, the club reportedly served her alcohol on the night of the attack.

At about 1:30 a.m., in full view of the club’s security staff, a man dragged the 18-year-old upstairs to the restroom and violently raped her, according to the lawsuit. In the middle of the attack, the woman sent a text message to a friend who was at the club, telling her that she was being sexually assaulted. But when that friend told security, they did nothing.

"To say that the rape changed the trajectory of my client's life is an understatement," Ms. Aldous said in the interview. "It's just horrible and I want them to clean up their act."

Watch/read more:

Teen sues North Texas nightclub over alleged sexual assault – CBS News Texas

Woman sues downtown Dallas Club VIVO in sexual assault case – Dallas Morning News (subscription required)
