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Charla Aldous Inducted to American College of Trial Lawyers

American College of Trial LawyersWe’re thrilled to announce that Aldous \ Walker Partner Charla Aldous has become a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers!

Regarded as North America’s pre-eminent organization of trial lawyers, the College is comprised of the most accomplished trial attorneys from the U.S. and Canada. Fellowship is extended by invitation only, and only after meticulous evaluation.

Our entire team congratulates Charla on her ACTL Fellowship; we believe it speaks volumes about her pursuit of the art of advocacy, and the ethical conduct, professionalism, civility, and collegiality to which she’s been committed throughout her career. With membership limited to 1% of all lawyers in a single state or province, it’s also among the most exclusive honors in the legal industry.

Read more on this press release!

Charla’s induction ceremony was held during the ACTL 2019 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC. You can read more about her ACTL Fellowship on the press release, or view some of Charla’s latest legal achievements below:
