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Aldous \ Walker LLP Selected as Tier 1 Law Firm in Best Law Firms List for 2018


Aldous \ Walker LLP is excited to announce that our firm has been selected as a Tier 1 law firm in the 2018 rankings of the Best Law Firms, the highest honor U.S. News and Best Lawyers® offers to law firms in the United States.

Read all about our award here in our press release. Our Dallas trial lawyers at Aldous \ Walker LLP have dedicated their careers to providing our clients with the knowledgeable and dedicated legal representation they deserve in their time of need. Over the years, we have tried more than 200 cases in front of a jury, and have recovered more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements. Give us the details of your situation through our online form, or call us at (214) 307-6307 to speak with an attorney today.

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