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Attorneys Charla Aldous and Brent Walker Named to the 2018 List of The Best Lawyers in America©, Aldous Named "Lawyer of the Yea

Attorneys Charla and Brent Aldous

We are pleased to announce that attorneys Charla Aldous and Brent Walker have both been selected to the list of The Best Lawyers in America© for 2018, and Aldous was named the 2018 Best Lawyers® Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs "Lawyer of the Year" in Dallas / Fort Worth, TX.

"It is an honor to be recognized by your peers for the work that you have done,” Aldous said. “I am grateful."

Read more about our attorneys’ awards by reading our press release here. If you were seriously injured and are looking to hire experienced legal representation, call our Dallas trial lawyers at Aldous \ Walker LLP today to discuss your current situation over the phone, or fill us in on the details of your case through our online form. Our team is ready and waiting to provide you with the dedicated legal assistance you require during your time of need.

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