“Because so much has been done to do away with the sacred right of
trial by jury,” Charla explained, “it is incredibly difficult
for young lawyers to get trial experience.”
For Charla Aldous, fascination with the law began when she realized that application of basic legal principles could improve people’s lives. The law has the ability, when applied appropriately, to create a fair and equitable world. In her article for The Advocate, a State Bar Litigation Section Report, she explained that the same realization that the law could improve people’s lives is what drives her practice today.
Since graduating law school, Charla has tried more than 200 cases to verdict. Still, with all that experience under her belt, Charla is the first to admit that you can never stop learning. Trial is something you can get better at every time, especially when it comes to learning what’s important to juries.
The clients she represents are dealing with real-life issues, and the juries she is communicating those issues to are comprised of real people. So, she explains, the most crucial thing she has learned as a lawyer is to just be herself.
Charla also offers advice to young lawyers in her article – get trial experience. Although difficult in today’s legal climate, she encourages young lawyers to make it clear that they are willing to try any type of case, any time, and anywhere.
To read Charla’s article in full, visit A License to Help Others.