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Dallas Observer Blog Quotes Aldous \ Walker on Ebola Lawsuits


The “Unfair Park” published by the Dallas Observer featured an article on the potential Ebola lawsuits brought by nurses who contracted the disease at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas from a Liberian patient. Amber Vinson and Nina Pham have been asserting that the hospital was not careful in preventing contamination by following the necessary steps.

Charla Aldous, founder of the Aldous \ Walker, was quoted in the story, saying that—while she could not provide details and has not been officially retained—she has been contacted by someone involved in the case. A lawsuit or several lawsuits could come against the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Brent Walker, another Dallas trial lawyer at the firm, told the blog about the “hypothetical” course that could be taken should a lawsuit be brought against the institution.

Read the full blog post on the Dallas Observer “Unfair Park” blog by clicking here.
