Dallas Brain Injury Attorney
Call (214) 307-6307 to Pursue Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries in Texas

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a leading cause of disability in the United States. One of the most sobering statistics related to brain injuries: approximately 223,135 hospitalizations occurred in 2019 as a result of TBI-related injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). In 2020 there were 64,362 deaths related to TBI.
The Dallas brain injury lawyers at Aldous / Walker proudly represent clients who have suffered serious brain trauma because of the negligence of others. We have decades of legal experience and a reputation for excellence in service and commitment to the people we stand up for!
What matters more than protecting your rights after a serious injury? To our team of Dallas TBI lawyers at Aldous \ Walker, the answer is nothing.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a Dallas TBI attorney at our firm.
Recovering Compensation for a TBI
People who have suffered a traumatic brain injury are facing an uphill battle that may go on for the rest of their lives. Treatments can include surgery, medication, and physical therapy, none of which are affordable. On top of that, TBI victims can be unable to work for months or years; some are never able to return to their previous employment.
In order to receive the quality medical treatment you need to ensure your best chance at recovery, you need to work with an experienced Dallas brain injury attorney from Aldous / Walker.
We can fight to recover financial compensation for damages, such as:
- All medical expenses related to your TBI
- Lost wages from being unable to work
- Loss of future earning potential if unable to return to work
- Loss of enjoyment of the life you used to have
- Pain and suffering caused by your brain injury
Aldous / Walker is truly passionate about the work we do. We fight for clients as if they were our own family. Our goal is to help you move on after an accident with all the emotional and financial support you require.
Call (214) 307-6307 today to schedule a free consultation about your case with our brain injury lawyers in Dallas.
What Are the Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury?
It’s important to know what the signs of a TBI are. These injuries are not always immediately evident. Sometimes, symptoms can arise weeks or even months after the initial accident, leaving many injuries undiagnosed.
These later symptoms might include:
- Slurred speech
- Convulsions
- Disorientation
- Headaches
- Blurred vision
- Unexplained fatigue
- Mood changes
- Memory loss
What Are Mild TBI Symptoms?
A mild TBI may be confused as a concussion because the symptoms are similar. While it is labeled a “mild” TBI, the family must still take proper care of the person as some symptoms can last nearly a year, sometimes longer. A mild TBI often results in memory loss, fatigue, depression, trouble sleeping, dizziness, headaches, and more. The injured individual may also experience seizures.
It is important to seek medical attention as the symptoms may not be immediately present in the injured individual. It is easy for some to miss this diagnosis. Family members may be the first to discover a change in attitude, which may signify a mild TBI.
What Are Moderate TBI Symptoms?
A moderate TBI has similar symptoms to a mild TBI, but the severity of the symptoms may be worse. These include mood and personality changes, fatigue, nausea, memory loss, headaches, and dizziness. One other symptom may be an issue with concentration. These symptoms still aren’t as obvious as a severe TBI, but should be watched for carefully. The injured individual may look as though everything is normal, but the person may be feeling quite different from the way they usually do.
What Are Severe TBI Symptoms?
When someone sustains a severe TBI, they often lose consciousness for over six hours. The symptoms are much worse and can last longer. These can include a persistent decreased level of consciousness affecting cognitive functioning, problems with eating, speech and language, sensory trouble, perceptual issues, and problems with senses such as hearing, vision, smell, and taste.
The injured individual may experience physical changes such as sleep issues, a change in appetite, physical paralysis, pain, and more. Seizures are also common for those who sustain a severe traumatic brain injury. Social and emotional damages are also common with depression, aggression, irritability, and dependency being symptoms.
Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injuries
Depending on the accident that caused the TBI and other treatment options being performed, some testing may be limited. Diagnosing a traumatic brain injury often requires imaging such as CAT scans, PET scans, SPECT scans, and MRIs. Evaluation by a medical professional to test cognitive abilities can also be helpful. It may be beneficial to test physical abilities that would normally be affected by a TBI.
Some medical professionals use the Glasgow Coma Scale to diagnose a TBI. This 15-point scale gives points for how well a patient responds to certain tasks. This measures motor response, verbal response, and eye-opening. The three categories—mild, moderate, and severe—are based on point ranges:
- Mild – 13-15 Points
- Moderate – 9-12 Points
- Severe – 3-8 Points
Any patient who scores less than three points may be considered in a vegetative state.
Know Your Rights After a Serious Injury
TBIs can be closed head injuries—a blow or blunt force trauma to the head—or penetrating heading injuries, which injure the brain by breaking the skull. These injuries can happen in many types of scenarios, from car collisions to sports-related injuries to construction accidents. No matter how your head was injured, you deserve help.
If someone else’s negligence causes a traumatic brain injury, this may be grounds for legal action. You could be entitled to compensation for your injury and associated costs, including medical expenses, missed, wages, and loss of earning capacity. You should schedule a free consultation at Aldous Walker so our attorneys can answer your questions.
Contact Aldous \ Walker today to request a free consultation with our brain injury attorneys in Dallas: (214) 307-6307.

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