Erb’s Palsy Attorneys in Dallas
Did Your Doctor’s Negligence Cause Your Child’s Injury?
We trust medical professionals to help guide us through pregnancy and childbirth, but sometimes the actions they take can cause serious injuries to your newly born infant. One of the most dangerous birth injuries your child can face is known as Erb’s palsy.
Erb's palsy affects approximately two out of every 1,000 infants born in the United States, and can be the result of negligent actions taken by your doctor.
If your child was diagnosed with Erb's palsy, contact Aldous / Walker immediately so that we can investigate your case!
What is Erb's Palsy?
Erb's palsy is a condition that results from damage to the brachial plexus, a network of nerves surrounding the shoulder. If these nerves are stretched or torn during delivery, it can leave the infant's arm with permanent or partial paralysis.
What Causes Erb’s Palsy?
The following are common causes of Erb's palsy:
- An above-average sized infant
- The infant breaching at the wrong angle
- The infant's shoulder getting stuck in the mother's public bone
- The delivering physician excessively pulling
What are the Symptoms of Erb’s Palsy?
Doctor's have a responsiblity to properly diagnose Erb's palsy as soon as possible, but symptoms may not be immediately apparent.
If you notice any of the following symptoms in your child, they could be suffering from Erb's palsy:
- Limpness in the affected arm
- Decreased gripping ability
- Loss of motor function
- Loss of sensory function
- Decreased development in circulatory, nervous, and muscular systems
- Partial or full paralysis
Contact Our Experienced Birth Injury Team for a Free Consultation!
At Aldous \ Walker LLP, our Dallas Erb's palsy lawyers have spent decades representing injured victims and their families in their time of greatest need. Though our efforts, we have recovered more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements, and we’re ready to use the knowledge we’ve gained over the years to help you put together a plan that will put you in the best position possible.
Call us at (214) 307-6307 to discuss your case with an experienced attorney today.

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